Read more about Jenny, the founder of groundbreaking Birth Trauma Resolution therapy
‘Come out of the masses. Stand alone like a lion and live your life according to your own light’ Rebecca Campbell
The Dalai Lama said: ‘The world will be saved by the western woman’
My work is my response to his call to action to help heal the planet. By healing birth trauma, the mother’s relationships with her baby, family, and the world around her are strengthened. Peace, love and nurturing reigns in the home. When our homes are a haven of love, nourishment and safety, the world changes. The effect of treating one mother – healing one family – ripples out into the world.
I have always wanted to make a positive difference to people’s lives, empowering individuals and helping them to be the best they can be. I truly believe that working with and resolving birth trauma is my life’s calling.
Interests and Passions
I have a real passion for science, the brain, epigenetics, and the mind body relationship, along with eastern medicine and spiritual practice.
I have my own daily practice of meditation through movement – Tai Chi and Zanshin (a mixture of Yoga, Tai Chi and martial arts). I believe that these simple ancient practices offer healing at a deeper level, healing trauma held in the body.
I also love my daily walks with my rescue dog. Some of my greatest learning about our inherent need for unconditional love, loyalty, and safety have come from my relationship with a beautiful dog that had been damaged and neglected.
I have learnt so much through international travel whether travelling to teach, lecture or just explore new exciting destinations and cultures, and I hope to take BTR therapy across the world!
You can watch a video of me doing Tai Chi in the woods here.
The birth of Birth Trauma Resolution Therapy
I love neuroscience and what that understanding can do for the advancement of trauma treatment. I trained with Human Givens, and believe Joe Griffin and Ivan Tyrrell to be truly gifted; offering humanity a new era in psychological intervention with its no fuss, non-psychobabble approach.
I have used this understanding, reinforced by my 17 years experience of working with pregnant couples, my own personal experience of suffering from the hugely debilitating symptoms of trauma / PTSD, and my study in this country and internationally to create this unique course offering.
I am passionate that all women should have access to fast and effective treatment for birth trauma. Women who have suffered a traumatic birth suffer debilitating symptoms at a time when they are already going through one of the biggest changes in their life – becoming a mother.
As a therapist I know that a traumatic birth experience can affect you for the rest of your life. Indeed, I have treated women 25 – 30 years after a traumatic birth, who have lived a life marred by the symptoms of the trauma. It is not enough to think that having a live baby is the only important aspect of a birth experience. Those suffering from a traumatic birth know only too well that living day to day in the thrall of debilitating symptoms is like a private hell. We need the world to awaken to this suffering.
The Birth Trauma association site claims that 10,000 women a year are formally diagnosed with birth trauma and PTSD. I strongly believe that this diagnosis is just the tip of the iceberg, and countless women suffer in silence without appropriate support and corrective treatment.
My passion for training well qualified birth professionals has always been to raise awareness and give a voice to the many suffering women and their partners. It is time to break the silence. It is time for all those suffering to be heard, to be believed, to have their experience validated and to receive good, effective treatment.
I believe that all women have a right to fast and effective treatment for trauma, and relief from the associated symptoms: Panic, anxiety, nightmares, flashbacks and intrusive thoughts. This should not only be offered to women who have full blown PTSD, but also women who have suffered a traumatic birth and suffer on a day to day basis from seemingly inexplicable anxiety and panic or hypervigilance, often leading to a breakdown in their relationships.
The 12 month training programme that I have developed offers a new era in psychological intervention for birth trauma. I teach multiple tools and techniques, including the ‘Rewind technique’ that I have used for the last 17 years. These tried and tested techniques get outstanding results in treating birth trauma and the associated symptoms.
I take my learning from academic study, research, and years of experience watching the suffering and potential for healing from my patients. I believe that the body has an inherent understanding of how to heal itself. The tools and techniques that I use mirror nature and its inherent capacity to return to equilibrium and balance. They are based on an understanding of the brain and its natural trauma processing system and as such offer fast, effective, and safe trauma treatment.
My students and my patients have been my greatest teachers – I am indebted to the trust that they have placed in me and their willingness and bravery to tell their story, be heard, and be healed. I draw strength from the human potential to overcome suffering.
I was the first Hypnobirthing trainer in the UK.
I was awarded the international ambassador award for outstanding contribution to the international advancement of Hypnobirthing.
A couple I worked with were featured on Richard and Judy which saw the interest in hypnobirthing grow overnight.
I appeared on Davina McCall’s show: ‘He’s Having a Baby.’
I have been featured in the all the major baby magazines and newspapers including The Times.
I have done radio interviews about birth trauma and still birth.
My interest in supporting a positive birth and keen interest in birth psychology, coupled with my Human Givens psychotherapy training – including trauma, helped me to merge my knowledge and understanding and develop a unique programme of learning – and Birth Trauma Resolution Therapy was born.