Do you think you might be suffering from Birth Trauma?

‘She left the old story behind her and stepped into a new once upon a time’ – Rebecca Campbell

Do you think you or someone you know may be suffering from Birth Trauma?

Click here to go through a questionnaire designed to see if you are suffering from birth trauma.

You can print this questionnaire off and take it to your GP or midwife.

Alternatively, for fast, effective and safe treatment by a BTR therapy practitioner click here to find a therapist near you.

What can I expect from a BTR therapy session?

Although there are other techniques used for treating birth trauma, I use the ‘Rewind’ technique as taught by Human Givens as it is by far one of the fastest therapeutic methods for treating trauma, often offering complete relief from symptoms in as little as one or two sessions. I have helped many women presenting with severe trauma symptoms feel relief by the end of the first treatment. The Rewind technique is the main tool for treating the trauma, but I use several other highly effective tools for further treatment and rehabilitation of a client.

So how does it work?

The ‘Rewind’ is a fast, safe, and effective method of neutralising the strong emotional tags that are attached to the traumatic memory. By neutralising these emotions, the brain can process the memory (once trapped in the amygdala, firing the anxiety and panic response – fight or flight). This helps the hippocampus create a narrative for the event so that it can be stored as a narrative memory in the neocortex, and relegated to the past, where it should be.

How is this done?

After an initial consultation, the therapist will begin by relaxing the patient using deep relaxation techniques to lower arousal. This is vital for recoding the pattern/memory.
The patient will be asked to imagine themselves in a relaxing place of their choosing whereby they feel particularly safe, secure and relaxed.
They will be asked to imagine a television screen and using a remote control, watch the traumatic event whizz by at top speed on the screen, in a doubly dissociated state.
The patient will then be asked to float back into themselves after the traumatic event and then relive the event backwards or in reverse – hence ‘Rewind’ – until before the trauma began.
This is done several times in a deep state of relaxation until the memory of the trauma does not trigger any strong, unwanted emotions.
Other incredibly powerful tools and techniques are then used to create positive resourceful states for the enhancement of wellbeing, and improved relationships with yourself and family.
BTR therapy provides a practitioner with sufficient tools and methodology to be able to personalise the approach to the individual needs of the client with the ‘Rewind’ being the core tool to release the trauma memory.

The benefits of using this treatment.

The ‘Rewind’ is a form of non-disclosure treatment which means there is no need for the patient to offer details of the trauma if they do not wish to. This is particularly useful if the patient fears reliving the strong emotions attached to their traumatic birth experience.

To employ the ‘Rewind’ technique it requires that the therapist takes the client into a deep state of calm and relaxation. This means that intense states of arousal can be carefully managed and kept right down whilst the patient gets in touch with the traumatic event.
Because the patient is in a deep state of relaxation and the therapist is able to access the reprogramming part of the brain, where other beneficial techniques, such as rehearsing a future birth experience with the patient feeling calm and in control, can be employed. The therapist may also employ metaphor and storytelling, another very powerful therapeutic tool.

In my opinion, the ‘Rewind’ can also be used to prevent birth trauma. It is well documented that if a woman has suffered a previous trauma, such as sexual or physical abuse, or she has a close relative or friend who has suffered abuse and she has listened to and imagined their suffering, she is more likely to have a traumatic birth experience. The ‘Rewind’ can therefore be used to neutralise the emotions of these highly charged memories or future imaginings, so that they are not triggered during birth.

How many sessions of BTR therapy will I require?

The recommendation is to work with a client for 3 sessions to effectively build rapport with them, access their positive resources and help them to relax before moving on to the ‘Rewind’ and other tools and techniques to promote wellbeing and empowerment.

With single traumas, a patient can be symptom-free within just 2 sessions, making this a very fast and effective treatment for release from the debilitating effects of birth trauma.

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